Aprobar el reading y listening en exámenes de Cambridge – Your Way 28

by Podcast

Exámenes de Cambridge. Yeah, official tests…why did this chicken pass them? Are you having trouble trying to pass these tests?

¿No te molesta cuando vas a un supermercado y tienes que coger turno para comprar la carne en la sección de carnicería?

Con lo fácil que es comprar un blister con pechuga de pollo, ¿eh?

En lugar de tener que esperar a que cada uno haga su pedido del día, al gusto: “a mí cuarto trasero”, “a ver, ¿a cómo está la pechuga? y ya que estás, nene, ponme medio kilo de ternera picada”. 

Oh well, sorry about that, I had to say it!

El episodio de hoy no va precisamente de la carne en supermercados ni pollos, pero es algo que mencionamos, además de muchas otras risas y consejos para ayudarte a mejorar tu inglés.

Hoy contestamos la duda de Marta, que nos pregunta sobre los exámenes de Cambridge y en concreto, las partes del reading y listening. Cómo mejorar tu rendimiento en estos ejercicios y aprobar la próxima vez que te apuntes a un examen oficial (de Cambridge o Escuela de Idiomas, IELTS, etc). Qué trucos puedes usar y cómo puedes enfocar estas partes del examen, que llevan de cabeza a más de uno y de dos.

Hope you learn a lot with this episode. Enjoy 🙂

Exámenes de Cambridge – Reading y listening – Listen to the episode!

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Ideas mentioned in this podcast

– Question of the day: How to pass the reading and listening part in Cambridge Advance Exams? From Marta.

– Mónica mentions that questions in these type of exams are quite tricky.

– David talks about this brother experience, who is preparing for the B2 exam.

– When taking these exams you need to be really confident, you don’t have time to hesitate.

– If you’ve got doubts, it means you don’t have enough level yet. Be patient and continue to practice grammar and vocabulary in real situations until you feel confident.

– It is important to practice a lot: How often do you write and speak to real native speakers?

– Take advantage of technology: Talk to people online. There are many apps nowadays where you can find native speakers and take part in language exchanges.

– Monica says there’s a technique for the reading part that you have to learn about. Remember the answers are tricky and they all seem to be right. Practise many exercises and try to catch the pattern. You can check her blog for more information (El blog para aprender inglés).

– It is not only knowing the language but also knowing how to pass these exams.

– Be realistic, be honest about how much practice you are doing and BE PATIENT like in everything in life.

– For C1 exams, you need to be familiar not only with the structures but also the lexicon. Listen to documentaries, watch TV series, youtube videos and Ted talks about the topics which are included in the exams.

– Learning a language is a lifelong thing, you never stop

Vocabulary used in this episode

Tricky: tramposa/ difícil/ complicado

Daily routine: rutina diaria

Skill: habilidad

To doubt : dudar

To hesitate: dudar/ vacilar

Exam practice: práctica de examen

To feel frustrated: sentirse frustrado

Challenges: desafíos

A no brainer: pan comido/ una pavada (algo que no tienes que pensar demasiado, claro)

Speed: velocidad

Take advantage of: aprovecharse de

24/7: todos los días de la semana

To be shy: ser tímido

Awkward: extraño, incómodo

To break the ice: romper el hielo

It snowballs: aumenta/se agrava/va cuesta abajo

To pass an exam: pasar un examen

The butcher’s: la carnicería

To complain: quejarse

Chicken breast: pechiga de pollo/ filete de pechuga

To grab: coger/agarrar

The cashier: la cajera/ el cajero

A big line: hilera/ fila/ línea

A lifetime thing: una cosa de por vida

The punch line: la frase clave

To achieve your goals: alcanzar tus objetivos

To speed up the process: acelerar el proceso

To look back: mirar hacia atrás / al pasado

To pay off: valer la pena/ dar frutos
