It-clauses for Speaking- B1- Podcast

It-clauses for Speaking- B1- Podcast

It-Clauses are an easy way to emphasize information when speaking. This simple grammar point uses ‘it’ and ‘when’, for example: I love it when…

Fun Facts about South Africa B2+ Podcast

Fun Facts about South Africa B2+ Podcast

South Africa is called the Rainbow Nation due to its diverse and multicultural society. Let’s look at some interesting facts about what makes this country so special.

Phrasal Verbs for Work- Podcast

Phrasal Verbs for Work- Podcast

Phrasal Verbs are a natural form of communication in English. Here are 10 phrasal verbs that you can use in a work environment.

AEIOU – Long and Short Vowel Sounds- Podcast

AEIOU – Long and Short Vowel Sounds- Podcast

When spelling words in English, a lot of Spanish speakers have problems with the vowel sounds, especially A E I because, for example, Spanish i sounds like the capital letter E in English. Let’s look at the pronunciation of the A E I O U sounds in English.