Welcome to Your Way!

You know me, David Palencia, and to my right, that’s Mónica Stocker.

We are both English teachers and this podcast is made for you. Yes, for you.

We make it Your Way!

¿Es este podcast para tí?

¿Tienes nivel intermedio y necesitas mejorar tu inglés de una vez por todas?

¿Quiéres aprender inglés pasando un buen rato y además gratis?

¿Prefieres el audio en mp3 para resolver tus dudas y preguntas sobre lo que sea?

Don’t worry! This is THE podcast for you 🙂

Cómo funciona este podcast en inglés

Very simply, you should listen to the episodes while you read the blog post that accompanies them. This way you can follow the conversation, structures used, etc.

Puedes escucharnos mientras trabajas, haces deporte, las tareas de la casa, paseas…Descarga los audios en formato mp3 gratuitamente y lee el post que acompaña a cada episodio para poder seguir, con una transcripción general, el hilo de la conversación, las temáticas que tratamos, etc. También dispones de una lista con todo el vocabulario que usamos en cada diálogo, para que apuntes las palabras.

Remember, this podcast is not for you if you have a basic level! Si tu nivel es principiante o estás empezando, te recomiendo que empieces por apuntarte a mi curso gratis The Way (para tener muy, muy claro cómo enfocar el estudio y hacer las cosas bien) y seguir mis audio cursos de inglés, en la otra pestaña del menú. Una vez te sientas cómodo/a con esos audios (principiante-intermedio), puedes engancharte a Your Way!

Si tienes un nivel más alto, y necesitas material de niveles C1 y C2, entonces puedes mandar tus dudas a mi podcast Daway Experience, donde ayudo a cualquier lector/oyente de la web, sea el nivel que sea, y abarco todos los niveles, dudas, exámenes, aspectos, etc.

Subscribe to stay tuned for all the episodes

Suscríbete a través de iTunes, Stitcher, Ivoox, etc (la que suelas usar) para no perderte ningún episodio, ni tu duda contestada! Intentamos grabar un podcast cada semana pero mejor suscríbete para no tener que comprobarlo semanalmente:

All the episodes and topics we have answered

Grappling Grammar: Comparatives and Superlatives. 

Hello and welcome to another installment of Grappling Grammar! In today’s post we will explain the use and purpose of comparatives and superlatives to help to give your English level an extra boost!    Comparative adjectives are used to compare two objects or...

Unwrapping the Origins of Christmas

Download this post as a PDF Christmas, a festive holiday celebrated around the world, has deep historical roots that intertwine with various traditions and cultures. For those learning English, understanding the origins of Christmas provides a glimpse into the rich...

The long and short U sound – Pronunciation clinic

Teacher Aurelia looks at the two basic types of the ‘U’ sound. Even though a word may be spelled with ‘oo’, it may be pronounced in different ways. For example, short - book and long - food.  Pronunciation is an important aspect in gaining fluency in English so it is...

Thanksgiving in the United States: A Time-Honoured Tradition

DOWNLOAD THIS POST AS A PDF Thanksgiving, a cherished American holiday, is a time when families and friends come together to express gratitude and share a bountiful feast. Rooted in historical significance, this annual celebration has evolved over the centuries into a...

Grappling Grammar: Body Idioms

 Idioms related to the body DOWNLOAD THIS LESSON AS A PDF DOWNLOAD THE ANSWERS TO THIS LESSON DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT Idioms are fascinating linguistic tools that add color and depth to our everyday language. These expressions, often consisting of a group of words whose...

Present simple vs. Present continuous PODCAST

Present simple vs. Present continuous DOWNLOAD THIS BLOG POST AS A PDF Navigating the complex world of English grammar can be an uphill struggle. But by following this blog, you will be able to understand the rules and uses of many of the key grammatical elements of...

Tongue Twisters / Trabalenguas in English B2/C1

DOWNLOAD THIS BLOG AS A PDF WORKSHEET Tongue Twisters to Improve Pronunciation Tongue twisters are a fun and effective way to improve pronunciation skills. These tricky phrases consist of a sequence of words that are challenging to articulate quickly and accurately....

Pronunciation Clinic- /i:/ vs /I/ – PODCAST

Teacher Aurelia goes through two sounds that are very difficult to differentiate between for the majority of Spanish speakers; the long and short ee sound.  The short sound doesn’t exist in Spanish and many words sound the same but are actually different; for example...

Unveiling the Magic of Bonfire Night

Sparkling Skies and Fiery Delights Download a pdf of this blogpost and the answers to the quiz The crackling of fire, the smell of roasting chestnuts and sounds of distant fireworks, these are some of the things that come to mind when we talk about the coming of...

The TH sound in English – Pronunciation clinic (PODCAST)

Teacher Aurelia talks us through how to pronounce some difficult sounds in English. Today we focus on the TH sound. We use this a lot in English with words like: There, birth, three, thunder and thanks By improving our pronunciation we also improve our listening...

Cómo usar el Presente Simple en inglés – B1

Hello super student! 💂‍♂️ En esta video lección vamos a enseñarte a usar el Presente Simple en inglés, a un nivel intermedio B1. Aprenderás cómo se forma este tiempo verbal, algunos trucos para que no caigas en errores comunes entre hispanohablantes, la pronunciación...