Welcome to the Advanced English course


You’re rocking it baby!

Awesome, congratulations on taking this first BIG step. You’re a bloody boss.

Now that you joined the advanced English Free Training as a Slow Laner, I will send you a new class 3 times a month with tasks (tareas) and the audio podcasts to listen to online or download (como mejor prefieras). Don’t forget that you will be able to change frequency to “a class every 3 days” if you think this is going too slowly for you. Also, keep the Facebook group active, as some of the homework will take place there, and have my ebook nearby, to know what the right way is.

Trust me, you’re going to learn A LOT with this course. My job is to help you make it. Be ready to work and study hard, of course.

Pay attention to your email. I am sending you the first class right now (no tarda más de unas horas máximo)
