As we have seen in the past, phrasal verbs are often better suited to informal texts such as letters to friends or family members. However, there are some cases where they can be used in more formal contexts which is what this post will explain. Now before...
As the summer draws to a close, September ushers in a season of fresh starts and new opportunities. The back-to-school period is a time of transition, as students of all ages return to the structured routine of education after weeks of relaxation and sunshine. Whether...
In this week’s blog post, we will be going over how to talk or write about past actions and abilities in English, in other words, things that we did or could do in the past but don’t do or are no longer to do. For this we need to use a form of the past that involves...
When spelling words in English, a lot of Spanish speakers have problems with the vowel sounds, especially A E I because, for example, Spanish i sounds like the capital letter E in English. Let’s look at the pronunciation of the A E I O U sounds in English....
Here are two B1 dictations for you to practise your listening and writing. Don’t forget to download the transcript to check if you did the dictation correctly! Aquí tienes dos dictados B1 para que practiques la comprensión auditiva y la escritura. ¡No olvides...
Download the transcript for this episode so that you have all the necessary information to help you pass this part of the Cambridge exam! ¡Descarga la transcripción de este episodio para que tengas toda la información necesaria para ayudarte a aprobar esta...